We do not have any Bertolucci watches in stock.
On occasion, we are interested in buying Bertolucci watches, but it's not a brand we will bid strongly for.
If you have one you'd like to sell, you can fill
out our Sell My Bertolucci Form, and if it's something we're interested in, we'll get back to you with a free quote! (or tell you "No Interest" if it's just not for us)
Bertolucci Watches
A union of Swiss watch-making precision and Italian stylistic distinction, Bertolucci watches are produced in limited quantities with superior materials. These watches are crafted with the ultimate goal of displaying the company's complete dedication to the art of classical watch making, evidently achieved through their designs' impeccable construction. Italian engineer Remo Bertolucci founded the company in 1987 in the Neuch?tel region of Switzerland. The company is literally a marriage of Swiss watchmaking and Italian style as Remo Bertolucci married into an established Swiss watchmaking family. The brand ran into trouble in 1999 after their initial success with the Pulchra and Vir models. They were sold in 2005 to the Dickson Group, which manages a small empire of luxury boutiques.